Four Steps to Writing Diverse Casts With Authenticity

While I write main characters that nearly live within my own experiences, a novel full of people like that is blind to the world as it is.  Furthermore, this is fiction! If I can't portray Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of integrated communities here, then what's the point? But writing a diverse cast is full … Continue reading Four Steps to Writing Diverse Casts With Authenticity

Thunderstruck by Brenda Drake [release date 9/11/17] + Giveaway!

Today's guest post was written by Brenda Drake. I met Brenda online years ago when #PitchWars and #PitMad were just starting out as contests for up-and-coming writers. Both contests have grown exponentially in recent years, bringing so many more great books to the market. The way that Brenda supports writers inspires me to give others … Continue reading Thunderstruck by Brenda Drake [release date 9/11/17] + Giveaway!

Writing a Main Character With Privilege Instead of Telling Someone Else’s Story

There are so many decisions that go into characterizing the protagonist in your novel. In addition to profession, personality, and life history, there's this immensity called "background." What's the character's race or ethnicity? Gender? Sexual orientation? Socioeconomic status? Religious affiliation (and position on the faith-doubt spectrum)? Physical abilities and limitations? Neurological tendencies and diagnoses? Family … Continue reading Writing a Main Character With Privilege Instead of Telling Someone Else’s Story

How to Write #DiverseBooks as a Writer with Privilege

You support the #weneeddiversebooks movement and the #ownvoices movement. You want to be an ally against injustice in our society. Congratulations! But if you're like me, then you're cisgender, straight, and white, and you're wondering: How do I write in appreciation of others without appropriating from them? If I write from other perspectives, am I … Continue reading How to Write #DiverseBooks as a Writer with Privilege